Sex, Drugs, and Opera

Keep the podcast alive!


The Sex, Drugs, and Opera podcast ended in April 2022. We still want to keep the podcast existing online for as long as possible, which of course still takes a bit of time and money to do! If you would like to help us make sure that the podcast remains available online for new listeners, then please consider one of the two methods of supporting us below!


Become a Lifetime Sponsor for just $5


Become a Lifetime Secret Sponsor for $5. Click the button below to find out more! Get access to 5 seasons of extra content and podcasts.


Make a one time donation 


Make a small (or large...) one time donation! Every little bit helps us keep the podcast alive! If you want to help make sure that the SDAO podcast remains available for future generations, please considering giving us a bit of support by clicking the link below!